
webOS Homebrew Project

Welcome to webOS Homebrew Project!

We are a community centered around homebrew (unofficial software) development for LG webOS Smart TV platform.

What Does It Do?

Our main points of interest are:

Our community has some overlap with RootMyTV and OpenLGTV teams, but each has its distinct purpose (root access exploitation and low level hardware reversing, respectively).

Our main points of contact are the #homebrew channel on OpenLGTV Discord and the Matrix channel.

Getting Started

Currently, the easiest method of enjoying homebrew software on webOS is using Homebrew Channel, which is automatically installed when using the RootMyTV exploit. Homebrew Channel is a user friendly unofficial "application store".

If your TV is not vulnerable to the RootMyTV exploit chain, you can still enable Developer Mode on a TV and then use our Device Manager app.

Keep in mind this has the downside of requiring "Developer Mode Session" renewal in the "Developer Mode" app every 1000 hours. Alternatively, if you are technically proficient, you can have a machine on your local network periodically refresh the token for you using a script like this one.

Find Apps

The repository of webOS homebrew applications can be viewed on the web at The same repository is also accessible in the Homebrew Channel app by default.

For Developers
