SDK configuration


Development TV setup

The recommended tooling for webOS TV development is @webosose/ares-cli NPM package. It provides all the basic tools without needing to install them globally.

If your TV is rooted you must not use LG's "Developer Mode" app; installing it will probably break your system, potentially necessitating a factory reset. All of its functionality (e.g., SSH access) is replaced by Homebrew Channel.

Configuring @webosose/ares-cli with Developer Mode App

This is partially based on LG's instructions.

  1. Install Developer Mode app from Content Store
  2. Enable developer mode; enable keyserver
  3. Download TV's private key: http://TV_IP:9991/webos_rsa and save under $HOME/.ssh
  4. As with any SSH key, restrict its access rights: chmod 600 ~/.ssh/webos_rsa
  5. You can test the key with: ssh-keygen -y -P "PASSPHRASE" -f ~/.ssh/webos_rsa
  6. Configure the device using ares-setup-device (-a may need to be replaced with -m if device named webos is already configured)
    • PASSPHRASE is the 6-character passphrase printed on screen in developer mode app
ares-setup-device -a webos -i "username=prisoner" -i "privatekey=webos_rsa" -i "passphrase=PASSPHRASE" -i "host=TV_IP" -i "port=9922"

Configuring @webosose/ares-cli with rooted TV

  1. Enable sshd in Homebrew Channel app
  2. Generate ssh key on developer machine (ssh-keygen)
  3. Copy the public key ( to /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys on TV
  4. Configure the device using ares-setup-device (-a may need to be replaced with -m if device named webos is already configured)
ares-setup-device -a webos -i "username=root" -i "privatekey=id_rsa" -i "passphrase=SSH_KEY_PASSPHRASE" -i "host=TV_IP" -i "port=22"

Note: @webosose/ares-cli doesn't need to be installed globally - you can use a package installed in a local project directory by just prefixing above commands with local path, like so: node_modules/.bin/ares-setup-device ...

Configuring VS Code Extension

  1. Load into your VSCode
  2. The Extension will prompt you to install needed npm Packages. This will probably fail depending on your VSCode setup due to permissions - run the commands manually in a root shell (npm install @webosose/ares-cli)
  3. Setup Key auth with your TV
  4. run ares-setup-device and use your VSCode terminals ssh private key (id_rsa)
  5. refresh the Known Devices Tab, you should see your new TV listed.

Using SSH without SDK on unrooted devices

Public key fetched using the method above can be used to connect to the TV using plain SSH client:

ssh -i webos_rsa -p 9922 prisoner@TV_IP

Note: non-rooted prisoner user does not have access to PTS, and thus bash will behave strangely
