webOS Userland
Native system APIs for webOS
LGNC_CALLBACKS_T Struct Reference

Public Attributes

LGNC_STATUS_T(* msgHandler )(LGNC_MSG_TYPE_T msg, unsigned int submsg, char *pData, unsigned short dataSize)
unsigned int(* keyEventCallback )(unsigned int key, LGNC_KEY_COND_T keyCond, LGNC_ADDITIONAL_INPUT_INFO_T *keyInput)
unsigned int(* mouseEventCallback )(int posX, int posY, unsigned int key, LGNC_KEY_COND_T keyCond, LGNC_ADDITIONAL_INPUT_INFO_T *keyInput)
void(* joystickEventCallback )(LGNC_ADDITIONAL_INPUT_INFO_T *e)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: